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 Community Engagement, Evangelism,
and Fellowship
Explore opportunities to connect
                     St. Timothy's encourages community building outside of  the church walls.     
Pictured are our upcoming and recent events.

Community Outreach

St Timothy's is committed to helping our community through work with the Soup Kitchen, cemetery restoration, food distribution and our Green Bag ministry. In the months September through May  we have a different opportunity each month for parishioners to contribute to the needs of others in our community through our Green Bag Ministry. Parishioners pick up a green bag at the beginning of each month that contains a list of items needed for the chosen recipient.  The bags are returned at the end of each month.  Some of the recipients are the Veterans Residential Services, the Wesley Shelter, and Waymaker's of Wilson.  If you have suggestions for ways we can better serve our community, please let us know. Whether you are looking for a project overseen by our Community Outreach Commission or are interested in trying something new, there are plenty of opportunities to serve with St. Timothy's.

Church Growth

St. Timothy's has a booth to promote Church Growth at Wilson's Annual Whirligig Festival.  Parishioner's hand out popcorn and talk with folks about our church.

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